All CIBA Foundation Grants are funded by charitable contributions. The generous support of our donors has enabled us to partner with organizations across the country that make a significant impact in the lives of special needs and disadvantaged children every day. If you have a non-profit organization committed to bettering the lives of underprivileged children with a specific need, reach out to us to see if you qualify for a CIBA Foundation Grant.
Grants are awarded based on available funding, match of request to the overall mission of CIBA Foundation, and the compatibility of the organization's purpose with the CIBA Foundation's commitment to underserved children.
How to apply for a CIBA Foundation Grant
To be considered for a CIBA Foundation Grant, an organization must provide the following:
Information about the organization's purpose and a description of programs offered.
The grant amount requested and the number of recipients who will benefit.
A detailed description of the proposed use of grant funds.
A copy of the organization's IRS 501 (c)(3) determination letter.
Additional information about the organization, including a list of the current Board of Directors and their affiliations, a copy of the annual report/financial statement, and the current-year operating budget.
Together we can make a difference!
Mail Your Grant Application
CIBA Foundation
Attn: Amy Lochmoeller
655 North Central Avenue
Suite 1125
Glendale, CA 91203
Email Your Grant Application
Attn: Amy Lochmoeller
Grant applications may be submitted any time during the year. Please allow 4-6 weeks for application review.